Timber Floors

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Timber Sports Flooring Maintenance Guide for Safe Usage and Longevity

06 August 2021

Sports facilities should have the correct material of flooring for them to be functional and safe. One material of flooring that they can maximise is timber.

Timber flooring boasts several benefits that make them suitable for sports facilities. For one, timber flooring can provide excellent shock absorption, which can help divert the impact from the athlete’s joints and ligaments into the floor during accidents. Another benefit of timber flooring for sports facilities is its layout and appearance can be customised according to the needs of the place.

These benefits, however, can only be maximised if the timber flooring will be maintained properly. Maintaining this type of flooring, after all, can make it safe and long-lasting. If your sports facility boasts timber flooring, then here are some tips that you can do to maintain it.

Sweep the Floor Regularly

Timber flooring may gather and collect dust particles easily. And with prolonged use, this type of floor can also catch other dirty elements. To ensure that these particles will be removed, you must sweep the floor with a microfibre dust mop at least once a day. You must likewise sweep the floor between games. Doing this tip can help extend the life of your floor and prevent it from becoming slippery or too rough.

Remove Spills Right Away

Some people may accidentally spill some drinks or water on the floor. With these substances spreading on the floor, they may gradually infiltrate and damage the floor surface and its subsequent layers. The presence of these substances may likewise cause the floor to become slippery or too sticky. To prevent these issues from happening, you should remove and clean any spills right away.

Use the Right Dilution Rate

Dirt and sweat can easily fill the surface of your timber flooring. And despite sweeping the floor regularly, you may want to scrub it at least once a week. When scrubbing your timber floor, you must use a cleaning product with the right dilution rate to prevent the floor from becoming too sticky. And speaking of cleaning products, you must only maximise those that are suitable for your floor.

Set a Preventive Measure

The shoes from the athletes and other people may leave some dirt elements on your floor. While it would be great if people will not be using their shoes while inside the sports facilities, imposing this rule would not be truly feasible. Fortunately, you can still minimise the amount of dirt elements that reach your floor by placing proper mats or plywood boards around the facility.

Establish a Clear Schedule

All the maintenance tips that have been previously mentioned can be effective in prolonging the service life of your timber flooring. But if these tips are not conducted regularly, then your flooring might still sustain damages and get dirty all the time. To ensure the cleanliness of your floor, you must set a regular maintenance schedule so that all assigned personnel can strictly follow it.

To know more about timber sports flooring, you can call us at R&B Timber Floors.

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